We are proud to have over 15 different nationalities represented by families who use the Nursery School. This very important area is supported by our Equalities Named Coordinator (ENCO).
Our ENCO is responsible for ensuring that all cultures and faiths are visible across the setting and are incorporated into the daily life of the Centre.
We also celebrate different festivals and specifically invite visitors and parents in to tell the children about their customs and beliefs.
Please click on the links below to view our policies relating to Equality.
- Equalities – Public Sector Duty Statement
- Equality and Diversity Policy
- Equality & Diversity Policy – School Staff
- Equalities Information
- Equalities Objectives
Equalities Mission Statement
At The Fields Nursery School we support the development of self and mutual respect and self esteem in all children, staff and the members of the community we serve.
We place a high value on diversity and in promoting positive attitudes and approaches to difference. We treat every member of the Centre as an individual. In this respect, we aim to meet the needs of all, taking account of age, disability, gender, gender reassignment, marriage, civil partnership, pregnancy, maternity, race, religion, belief and sexual orientation.
In addition to this we also aim to take into account social circumstances.
We do not allow anyone to discriminate against others with regard to these characteristics and we actively challenge all forms of prejudice or discrimination.