Absence and Illness

The following guidelines are taken from the Health Protection Agency (PHE) – ‘Health protection in schools and other childcare facilities’

Children must not attend nursery if they have a raised temperature. Children should not return to the nursery until their temperature has returned to normal (generally 37.5 degrees) for 24 hours.

Infectious Diseases

Diarrhoea and sickness are infectious and can spread very rapidly with young children. Please do not send your child back to school after such attacks for a clear 48 hours following their last episode of sickness or diarrhoea.

Usual Incubation Period: 11-21 days
Minimal Period of Exclusion: 6 days from onset of rash

No period of exclusion but treatment recommended

German Measles (Rubella)
Usual Incubation Period: 14-21 days
Minimal Period of Exclusion: 14 days from onset of rash-please inform school so we can notify parents

Hand, foot & Mouth
No exclusion period

Usual Incubation Period: varied
Minimal Period of Exclusion: until lesions have healed or 48 hours after commencing antibiotic treatment

Usual Incubation Period: 10-15 days
Minimal Period of Exclusion: 4 days from onset of rash

Usual Incubation Period: 15-24 days
Minimal Period of Exclusion: Until swelling has subsided

Scarlet Fever
Child can return to nursery 24 hours after commencing appropriate antibiotic treatment

Slapped Cheek (fifth disease)
No period of exclusion

Whooping cough
Usual Incubation Period: 7-10 days
Minimal Period of Exclusion: 21 days from onset of paroxysmal cough

For other conditions, follow this link to the PHE exclusions table